Our family loves going on adventures. We also have 3 young kids which can make it challenging to find the right adventures to go on. Last year we decided to purchase an RV to make camping, road trips, and exploring new places a whole lot easier. Our RV is awesome because our kids can nap on the go, use the bathroom, and enjoy a fairly normal routine in our home away from home! Our first trip took us to Seattle where we visited one of our favorite places, the Woodland Park Zoo!
Our kids have always loved seeing all the unique animals that live at the zoo, skipping along the zoo pathways, and enjoying the kid-friendly and sensory activities offered by the zoo. The day we visited the zoo was very typical of Seattle weather; misty and overcast. The weather didn’t dampen our adventurous spirits!
A walk through the mist felt almost magical! I think my little guy wishes he could get out and roll in the leaves. This stroller has been a life saver for family adventures! We love our Joovy Caboose Ultralight stroller because of its compact size and versatile features.
Size: This stroller is spacious enough to easily fit two toddlers and folds up flat to easily fit into the trunk of a car. Plus the stroller offers generous storage underneath for my purse or shopping bags.
Convertible: The Joovy Caboose Ultralight stroller is also easy to set up and fold down. The style of the harnesses are simple to quickly strap your child in and I love the back sit-n-stand seat that can be converted into a second seat with an extra seat attachment. The sun cover can be tilted forwards or backwards depending on the angle of the sun.
Accessible: While the baby rides in the front, my toddler can sit on the bench seat and easily get up. This worked perfectly when we went to the zoo, since she often wanted to get up to go look at something. This Joovy Caboose Ultralight stroller is so helpful for keeping my kids with me while shopping, when it’s often essential to confine them to the stroller.
The Seattle Woodland Park Zoo is one of our favorite places to visit, with more attractions and activities than we can usually do in one day. Some of our favorite activities include walking along all the wooded pathways and visiting each themed section of the zoo. Exhibits include the African Savanna, Australia, Asia, Penguin Exhibit, Northern Trail, Temperate Forest, Tropical Asia, Tropical Rain Forest, and Wildlife Theater, each with their own collection of animals native to that zone. My girls also loved riding on the historical carousel!
Woodland Park Zoo Highlights
It is always fun to see big cats, which can be found in the Tropical Asia section of the Woodland Park Zoo. My girls loved seeing the Malayan Tiger prowling around his enclosure. The zoo is pretty impressively situated and unique in its man-made animal habitats, especially for being in the middle of a city!
The snake house was also an interesting attraction, featuring many different kinds of snakes of all sizes. The woodland Park Zoo is even home to several huge Komodo Dragons.
In the past we’ve watched the Raptors in Flight show, a chance for kids to learn more about birds of prey. Keepers introduce the audience to the zoo’s resident raptors while demonstrating the birds’ impressive flying and hunting skills. See the schedule of events here »
My girls love walking around by themselves and a slow day at the zoo is a pretty good place to do that! The giraffes were out and eager to say hello.
One of my favorite things as a kid was visiting the pink flamingos. Something about pink birds always enamored me. Flamingos are pink because of all the minerals they eat from their diet of shrimp and algae. Shrimp is also one of our family’s favorite foods!
It’s always fun to let your kids pick where to go next when you are on a family adventure. We visited the African Savanna, the Tropics, the Australian wilderness, and the Mountains all in one afternoon!
How cute are these playful otters?? Through the glass window my girls watched them dive and twirl just like mermaids.
This huge grizzly bear was my little man’s favorite animal. He stared and stared. He’s just taking it all in, no big deal being 20 feet away from a huge bear. I definitely wouldn’t like to meet one of these bears in the wild.
You can always find cool corners of the zoo like this painted mural we discovered and beautiful merry-go-round. My daughter pretty much wants to ride every carousel she sees, because of course it’s magical.
My other little girl wasted no time finding a “kitty friend”, one of her beloved animals! She’s inseparable from her stuffed kitty and when she wants to be scary, she always pretends to be a lion. Roar. She doesn’t seem to afraid of those one though. Just makin’ friends.
Our family zoo adventures turned out to be a super fun, relaxing afternoon! And what zoo visit is complete without feeding the penguins?
What is your family’s favorite place to go for adventures? We love finding fun activities that build memories, help our kids become good friends, and inspire the love for traveling and discovering new places.
Hi, I’m Katie! I live with my husband and 4 kids in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. I love Jesus, coffee, creative projects, photography, and traveling. I’ve previously worked as a web designer, journalist, and barista. I hope you enjoy our creative projects and family adventures!